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Neighbourhood Watch

Reported on 19 May, 2024

"I wanted to share that two of our neighbours have been approached by someone driving the neighbourhood – Roger Road area. The driver stopped and said his car had been stolen and the tracker showed that it was somewhere in our area. Then he asked if the neighbour if they had anti theft devices, security cameras or trackers in their car.

These approaches have been made in the last couple of days. In one instance the driver asking the questions was driving a red Honda , no plate numbers.

In both cases the exchange did not feel right to the neighbours, I am not sure what if any info they may have shared."

Reported on May 8, 2024

Someone seemingly ripped our front doorbell camera off last night (around 1am, as I got a doorbell notification from my camera in the morning and found it on the ground)

Am not sure if they were interested in the house, our car, or some packages we had left outside, but my guess is it was the packages as one seem tampered with. (Home Depot misdelivered several packages, so we just left them out overnight as they were heavy and awkward to move, Home Depot is supposed to come and pick them up tomorrow).

I spoke to a few neighbours and doesn’t seem like anyone had cameras pointing to our house.

Reported on January 9, 2024

A car on Crestview Road was broken into overnight and money and vehicle registration and ownership were taken. This break in was reported to the Ottawa Police. There may be similar break ins in the area.

Reported on December 27, 2023

"I just had an individual at my door wearing an OXFAM vest

While I did not answer, I noted that he did not visit any other homes

This looks suspicious to me as no one solicits between Christmas and New Years

I also have the individual on video, to which he did not face the camera
This occurred at 1:43 pm on December 27, 2023"

(Note: It turned out that this was a legitimate OXFAM canvasser who was zealous and eager in his approach)

Reported on December 20, 2023

The suv in the attached photos was parked and idling across the street from our house (472) for 30-40 minutes this morning.  The driver looked like he was using a phone or laptop.  
I took a picture and turned off my wi-fi thinking that he might be a hacker.  He drove off after that.  Apologies, but I did not get a clear photo of the licence plate.  I don't want to appear paranoid but if anyone else sees him they may want to take note.

Reported on September 30, 2023

A resident on Billings Ave. reported that their home was broken in on Sept 26th in the midddle of the day.The alarm system was on and the owners were away. The alarm company notified the owner and she went home from work and called 911. Officers from the Ottawa Police Service have been very helpful and reassuring.

The security cameras recorded the entire event.

The recording shows that there is a 5 minute lull between the "scout" ringing the doorbell and the intruders returning to do the actual break-in.

The Police officers explained that the burglars try to ensure that NO-ONE IS AT HOME, so they can break in with ease. The officers have stressed the fact that it is VERY IMPORTANT to show that if someone is at home they should make their presence known.

On Friday morning, Sept 29th, on City News 101.1 FM, the Police appealed for information regarding the black pick up truck, as it was involved in at least 3 more burglaries since Sunday.

Reported on August 25, 2023

A resident on Ronald Ave had a car and garage break-in on the evening of Aug 23. A bicycle was stolen and a police report has been filed. 

Reported on August 18, 2023

A car was stolen from a driveway on Barnhart Place last night. The police stopped them en route to Montreal and it was recovered. We do not yet have it back to know what damage was done.

Reported on June 12, 2023

The company doing construction work at the end of Briar near Highridge had their locked trailer broken into sometime over the weekend, perhaps Sunday night. A lot of expensive tools etc. were stolen. Apparently the latch on the door, rather than the padlock itself, was cut.

Reported on May 16, 2023

Sometime overnight Sunday/Monday (13/14 May) someone entered my unlocked car on Crestview and rummaged through the storage bin. Nothing was stolen and there was no damage. Reported to the police.

Reported on February 6, 2023

A resident on Briar Ave reported that an attempt was made to gain access to a 2022 Toyota Highlander parked in the driveway. They tried drilling through the diver’s side door lock. The vehicle was subsequently driven twice and nothing else was noticed. A police report was made.

Reported on December 5, 2022

At around 10 PM last night (Dec 5th) a resident on Briar Ave.noticed a burgundy-coloured SUV parked in front of her neighbour'shouse. The driver was behind the wheel and theinterior lights wereon. Approximately an hour later, the vehicle hadn't moved and the police were called. Two squad cars arrived and the driver was handcuffed and put into one of the police cars. Shortly after that, the SUV left but it was unknown who was driving it. Before retiring for the night just before midnight, the resident looked out her
window and saw that one of the police cars was still there.

As the Ottawa Police Services emphasize, this was a suspicious activity and the right call was made.

Reported on November 7, 2022

I received the following couple of reports from one of my Block Captains on Billings Ave and it should be passed on by the Captains to their Watch Members. Incidents such as these should always be reported to Ottawa Police Services (OPS) so that their analytical unit can determine any emerging patterns in certain neighbourhoods.

  • I want to alert everybody to keep their front doors locked even when outside doing yardwork during this fine weather. I live on Woodcrest Road. Yesterday, during the middle of the day, while my neighbour was out working in her back yard, someone entered the house through the front door and stole all her jewellery in her bedroom - it was easily scoopable family heirlooms, things inherited from her late mother. Many of us on the street were out working around our homes and saw nothing unusual. So this thief is probably unremarkable in appearance.

  • A neighbour on Pleasant Park Rd in the vicinity of the Transit station was broken into sometime between Thursday October 27 and Friday October 29. The front door was smashed in and the door window broken. Cash, some jewelry and medications were stolen. There are no suspects so far. Please keep sharing everyone so we can all be on high alert.

Reported on February 25, 2019

Our neighbour at the corner of Highridge and Billings, saw a Dodge Truck going slowly in both directions on Billings snd also Highridge repeatedly around lunchtime today, Monday 25 February.Two men were seen in the front seats. On one of the early passbys, the driver seemed take a photo with a cell phone while in the truck, parked pointed east on Billings.  The attached photo of this truck taken by the homeowner,  seems to show a  Dodge black 1/2 ton 4x4 with a white cap and  a roof rack with at least 2 ladders on the rack. Maybe the licence is 251 6X0? There are multiple stickers on the rear window of the cap.The homeowner phoned VERDUN Windows & Doors (since that company is doing work on their house) and was told that the truck was not a representative of VERDUN.There doesn't seem to be enough snow on the roof of their house to justify a photo for the purpose of hiring someone to clear off roof snow. f you would like more information, the homeowner may be called at the mobile number that you have on file for 1977 Highridge. The homeowner contacted me and VERDUN, but not the Ottawa Police.
(The homeowners were advised to call the Ottawa Police Services and file a report).


Reported on February 15, 2019

About 30 min (12:30PM). ago David Kolody and I had young men banging at our doors (on Roger Road). A neighbour saw them and yelled at them, the vehicle took off and some of the guys ran away hiding behind snow banks.

I had been upstairs and thought at first a furnace had backfired or some large piece of furniture had fallen over. David called me and said the noise had been them heavily banging on my door. We are assuming that it was an attempted break-in.

Police have been called and a report will be made. More details should be forthcoming.

People should be advised to keep their doors locked at all times.

Thought I would pass this along sooner than later.


Reported on February 16, 2018

One Faircrest Heights resident reported seeing a pack of five coyotes in her back yard last month and, more recently, another encountered a pack of four strolling down Briar Avenue while he was walking his dog. Then, this past Monday evening, I saw a lone coyote dart across Highridge Avenue at Crestview before disappearing between two houses abutting Billings Park.


Reported on January 27, 2018

A suspect was arrested by police at approximately 10PM on Saturday, 27th Jan. He was going through sheds in backyards and breaking into vehicles. If you think your property was broken into or items have been stolen, contact the Ottawa Police Services and refer to report number 18-22371.


Reported on January 19, 2018

Police cars were on Simpson Rd this morning in response to a call that I made around 10:15. I noticed a person at Paul Hewitt's house (440) at the garage door and then at the front door, ringing the bell and then trying to open the door. Unsuccessful, he went down the driveway and headed west, stopping frequently, turning and looking in at houses. He had a parka with the hood up and a backpack.

The police arrived when he was at the South Haven end of the street. One officer came to our house after awhile to report that the person has mental health issues and seemed lost and trying to find his house, apparently not far from here. They had him in the car. No harm done but a reminder to keep doors locked and be vigilant.


There has also been quite a high number of coyote sightings in the hood. In fact, our home backs onto the Linda Lane park and we have seen 3 over the last couple of weeks. Quite disturbing since there are always so many kids in the park playing. Not sure we can do anything other than as you say, be vigilant.


Reported on September 20, 2016

I received the following from the Block Captain at Barnhart Place: Block Captains please pass this on to your Watch Members.

Hi passing along this activity from a couple of nights ago.

"just wanted to give you heads up about a strange incident last night. Between midnight and 5 am - we think – someone got into our car – we left it open but it is usually locked. Went through our glove box and scattered paper work around and then smoked a few cigarettes ... maybe a bit of change/bills were taken. They also seemed to move the seats in the back and maybe reclined for awhile. We will keep Sydney on the porch more regularly at night now and leave the motion sensor lights on ... but just a heads up ... very strange"

Please share any experiences you have like this. This is for neighbourhood awareness. Just a reminder this is not a substitute for reporting problems to the police.

Reported on Sept 6,2016

From Highland Terrace: My husband and I just heard a bang and went out to check and we saw and old grey Honda Civic. The driver was stopping at each house and going through the garbage. I was unnerved as I would not want private information pertaining to my neighbours taken. We had our garage open which also made us nervous.


Reported on Dec 13, 2015

From Fairbanks Ave -I must have accidentally left my car unlocked. Things were stolen from it overnight, including a GPS and the keys to the cottage (which were not labelled in any way).

I wonder if I bumped the “unlock” button on the key fob as I was putting it away. I certainly do make it a point to always lock the car.

Reported on 15 Nov, 2015

Ronald Avenue

"Earlier this summer my car was broken into and they took loose change and my golf rain jacket and a pair of working gloves. However, few days ago the lock on my shed was busted and I noticed my chainsaw was stolen."

Briar Ave

"Just wanted to let you know that we had one of our cars broken into before Thanksgiving. They took the GPS and spare change. Filed a report with the police so they had it on the record. No damage to the car."

Reported on 6 Nov, 2015

A Crestview Road resident reported - My son Nick had his truck broken into overnight.
It was parked on the street in front of our house and when he went out Friday morning he found that someone had broken the door lock and stole some tools from inside the truck. He reported it to the police.

Reported on Sept 8, 2015

Canada Revenue Agency Scam:
I just received a phone call on my cell phone. It was a recorded message stating it was the Canada Revenue Agency, siting code #something regarding criminal fraud. It was a very threatening message indicating that if I did not call back within 72 hours, CRA agents would be at my door. The phone number is 613-655-9996.

I called Ottawa Police and they confirmed that it is a scam. Not originating from this country and intended to scare people into giving money.

Reported on Sept 3, 2015

From the Ottawa Police Services:
Beware of False Job Offers

(Ottawa)-The Ottawa Police Service is informing the public of an ongoing scam where people are being offered false employment opportunities.

The employment opportunities are offered on job sites, internet ads, unsolicited emails, unsolicited texts, or in newspapers.

Those who respond to the ads are told that they have received the job and are then sent payment by cheque, e-transfer or other means, which they are then instructed to deposit into their bank account. They are then asked to send a large portion of the money to somewhere else; usually by a money transfer company and keep the balance as payment. Once they send the money on, the bank calls to inform them that the cheque or e-transfer was fraudulent and that their account is overdrawn or frozen.

Sometimes the job might be as a "secret shopper" to test the services of a bank, store, or money transfer service.

This is a reminder to the public never to send money to anybody you do not know and trust. You can view tips<http://tinyurl.com/pnrbqew>.

The Ottawa Police Service Organized Fraud Unit is advising members of the public that are or have been victims of this scam to contact the Ottawa Police and make a report at 613-236-1222, ext. 7300. The call centre is actively tracking all complaints and forwarding them to our Organized Fraud investigators. Anonymous tips can be submitted by calling Crime Stoppers toll-free at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), or by downloading the Ottawa Police iOS app.

Reported on August 17, 2015

From Ottawa Police Services:
Warnings about a duct cleaning scam

(Ottawa) - The Ottawa Police Service would like to warn the public about a fraudulent duct cleaning scam.

Unknown persons are misrepresenting Advanced Air Quality Duct Cleaning in Ottawa. Clients are solicited through telemarketing efforts and appear to be spoofing the phone numbers, as if they are calling as Advanced Air Quality Duct Cleaning. The persons then attend the residence, in unmarked vehicles with no business identification. They go the basement, perform no service and then collect money for their work.

The legitimate owner of Advanced Air Quality Duct Cleaning was made aware of this scam by clients calling with complaints about their lack of service, when there is no legitimate record of his employees having attended the residence.

The Ottawa Police remind you to make sure that any persons coming into your residence has proper identification to do the business they claim to do.

Anyone with information with respect to this scam is asked to contact the Ottawa Police Organized Fraud Section at 613-236-1222 ext. 5433. Anonymous tips can be submitted by calling Crime Stoppers toll-free at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), or by downloading the Ottawa Police iOS app.

Reported on July 29, 2015

Residents on Ronald Ave reported: We just discovered this morning that Gerry’s car was ‘invaded’ last night. He had inadvertently left the car unlocked (was interrupted in the middle of a chore and forgot all about it), so it was not broken into – no damage.

However the glove compartment had been opened and everything strewn about, and the GPS system was stolen. And a lovely bottle of wine, a gift, that I had forgotten in the trunk of the car had been smashed on the driveway. What a waste…

Linda Scovill next door said this morning that she was woken by what sounded like footsteps on her back deck at about midnight.

Reported on June 19, 2015

I received the following from a Crestview Road NW Captain:
"As Neighbourhood Watch person you should know that my porch planter was stolen last night. It was there when I went to bed and not when I woke up. Very disappointing though not surprising as it was very pretty and very accessible."

Reported on June 18, 2015

From a resident on Crestview Road: An item of considerable value was left in my mail box last evening. I did not learn of this until this morning when I checked my email at 6:00AM. The item was not there this morning , only the Globe and Mail. I will report the matter to the police.

Reported on November 17, 2014

A Fairbanks Ave. resident reported: Someone went through my car last night. I think that the only thing they took was a change purse containing parking money (maybe 15 to 20 $). They left the GPS.

I must have left the car unlocked, although that is not my practice.

Reported on October 29, 2014

Between Friday evening (24 Oct) and Monday Morning (27 Oct) a landscaping company trailer was broken into a driveway at 1881 Broadmoor Avenue. Approximately $6,000.00 worth of equipment was stolen. The owner of the equipment will be filing a report with the Ottawa Police.

A landscaping company trailer parked at 390 Roger Rd (my neighbour's house) was broken into and equipment worth thousands was stolen. Now, Broadmoor Ave is just about across the street from 390 Roger Rd, although 1881 Broadmoor is closer to Smyth than to Roger Rd. When I started reading your e-mail I thought you were referring to the same incident. But it appears that it is 2 different robberies in the same neighbourhood, during the same week-end.

Reported on October 2, 2014

Four vehicles were broken into the past few days and I received the following reports:

1) A resident on Simpson Road reported the theft of a booster battery from his van on Sunday night.​ The vehicle was unlocked when he checked. It was recommended he notify the police.

2) A resident on Crestview Road Reported:
My truck and van were broken into last night, Wednesday Oct 1st or in the early morning hours of Thurs Oct 2nd.I found my boat keys on the hood of Peter's car (across the street). I am still looking to see if there is anything else missing. They went through glove compartment boxes and pulled things out of the console in both vehicles. My truck was locked but the van was not.

3) Another resident also on Crestview Road reported:
Last night my car was entered. I had left it unlocked. The glove compartment was searched . Just a small amount of loose change was stolen. No damage was done. Police have been advised.

All these incident should be reported to the Ottawa Police Services call centre at 613-236-1222 ext 7300.

Roger Road

They left their van unlocked and found in the morning that it was searched and the door was left ajar. There was nothing of value to be take. She wanted you to know and suggested that people leave more outside lights on since our street is very dark at night.

I mentioned that some people would find that too expensive but that I would pass the message on to you.

Crestview Road

My dash was gone through over the course of last night as well. I must have my car unlocked. Nothing was taken. The incident has been reported to the Ottawa Police.


Reported on April 3, 2014

A Crestview Road resident's car was searched through a few nights ago. It was unlocked and nothing stolen. Please be aware this type of activity is still going on


Microsoft Windows XP SCAM
With the end of support on April 8th 2014 of Windows XP many of you will receive calls by so call Microsoft or Windows support technicians. It is important to know that Microsoft or its affiliates will NEVER call you to try and support as your PC technicians. If you receive such a call please follow the following steps.

Do not purchase any software or services.
Ask if there is a fee or subscription associated with the "service." If there is, hang up.
Never give control of your computer to a third party unless you can confirm that it is a legitimate representative of a computer support team with whom you are already a customer.
Take the caller's information down and immediately report it to your local authorities.
Never provide your credit card or financial information to someone claiming to be from Microsoft tech support.


From Ottawa Police Services:

Ottawa Police issue warning about theft scam targeting motorists

(Ottawa) — The Ottawa Police Service would like to warn the public of a theft scam targeting motorists and urges them to protect their valuables in their vehicles.

On three recent occasions, people had tires from their vehicle tampered with to the point where they were deflated. As the victim tends to their vehicle, a stranger would approach and offer assistance. While the driver is out of the car tending to the tire, valuable items are stolen from the vehicle by the stranger and/or sometimes by an accomplice.

These incidents occurred in several locations across Ottawa - including in parking lots and on streets - at various times of day. At this time, it is unknown if all three reported incidents involve the same suspect or if they are related. There is a vague suspect description available, heavyset middle eastern male.

Anyone with information about any such incidents is asked to contact Det. Stephen Plummer, East District Investigations of the Ottawa Police Service at 613-236-1222, ext. 3415 or Crime Stoppers at 613-233-8477 or toll-free at 1-800-222-8477.


Ottawa Police reminds the public to keep a close eye on electronic equipment

(Ottawa)— The Ottawa Police would like to remind the public to be vigilant with their electronic equipment when out in public areas such as bars, restaurants, libraries, parked cars and schools.

“We regularly receive reports for lost and stolen cell phones, iPads, laptops and similar electronic equipment from people who have left their electronic equipment unattended for short periods of time resulting in the item being stolen,” noted Ottawa Police Acting Sergeant Jorge Mendonca, with Central District Investigations.

The Ottawa Police encourages members of the public who have lost or had their phones stolen to immediately report this to their cell phone provider.

“We are seeing an increasing number of people that are buying used cell phones on internet sales sites,” added A/Sgt. Mendonca. “We are reminding the public to be cautious when purchasing any items from sources other than known legitimate companies as we are seeing an increase in complaints of purchasers who are not able to activate their new cell phones as the phone’s information is posted to the National Device Blacklist.”

When attempting to activate the equipment, the user will get a message indicating the phone is lost or stolen and cannot be activated.

Another trend Ottawa Police are seeing is members of the public being contacted by unknown persons advising them that they have purchased a lost/stolen cell phone from an unknown person and then demand a reimbursement in order to return the phone.

This is a reminder that possession of a phone or any property that was taken in the commission of an offence is a criminal offence. Anyone knowingly possessing a phone that was stolen is committing the offence of Possession of Property Obtained by Crime, contrary to Section 354 of the Criminal Code of Canada.

A few more tips:

• Exercise caution when purchasing any items from private sales.
• Be cautious if the deal is too good to be true or if the seller is evasive and acts in a manner so as not to be identified.
• Meet with the seller in public places, and watch if the seller is using untraceable e-mails.
• Ask for proof of purchase.
• Check with the National Stolen Device Blacklist Database at http://www.protectyourdata.ca. By checking the cell phone’s 15 digit IMEI number, you will know if it is on the blacklist (expect a delay in having a phone listed on the database).
• Report stolen property to the Ottawa Police Call Center at 613-236-1222.

Anyone with information about stolen cell phone property can contact the Ottawa Police Service at 613-236-1222 or Crime Stoppers at 613-233-8477 (TIPS) or toll free at 1-800-222-8477.

Reported on Nov 16, 2013

Barnhart Place --------- I just wanted to inform you that we might have had an incident last night. Around 2:30am, our dog started barking which he does only if some one is approaching our house. As he did not stop, we got up and checked the house and all the doors were closed. Karsten even went outside to check as well. We went back to bed, but the dog continued reacting to something for about 15min.

This morning we saw that one door I had checked was not closed. Someone was working on the security system during the day yesterday and might have forgotten to close the door. But I as I check the door during the night and it was closed and given the behaviour of Iron (our dog), we think we might have been visited. But we are not sure. Nevertheless, we informed the police in case someone else had experienced the same thing or noticed something.

Reported on Oct 15, 2013

A resident at 1949 Ronald Ave. had a bike (and possibly a red bike pump) stolen from his back yard. He last saw it on Thursday Oct. 10, and realized yesterday, Oct. 15, that it was gone. He has contacted the police.

Reported on July 1, 2013

Some time during last night or very early this morning, a number of sewer grates were stolen from our street (I counted 16 gone).

The city is aware of this situation.

I did not check streets adjacent to ours.

Be careful walking, cycling and driving!

Reported on June 19, 2013

My daughter, Hailee, was walking down Quinlan Road when she noticed a blue Hyundai mid size SUV follow her. The driver was a Caucasian male between 20-30 years old. He was driving very slowly behind her. She had her iPhone and used the camera to see what was happening behind/beside her. Hailee walked past our house because she was scared that he would know where she lived. He reached out and tried to grab her arm and she fell to the ground and then started to run.

We called the police and they interviewed Hailee. She was super brave and remembered many helpful details so the police can put together the best description to watch for this individual and vehicle.

The police asked if there were many children in the neighbourhood and I said absolutely! The police agreed that it is very important that all the neighbours be notified of this information! I used the street party email list to send this out. Please pass this on to any of your neighbours that are not on this list.

Reported on June 18, 2013

The residents at the corner of Faircrest and Roger Rd.just reported their garden shed had been broken into last night and $3000,00 worth of bikes had been taken . The thief left his old bike on the next-door neighbour's lawn ….

The shed not been locked and the incident was reported this to the police.

Reported on June 13, 2013

The owner of 389 Roger Rd. had his locked car broken into this week during the night. The vehicle was parked in the driveway.

It was not damaged, meaning the culprits had the necessary tools to jigger one of the doors open.  No description of the intruder(s) is available.

Reported on June 11, 2013

Ottawa Police reminding the public to be vigilant with distraction thefts

(Ottawa)—The Ottawa Police Service is reminding the public to be aware of distraction thefts that typically occur during the summer months.

“Last summer, there were close to 100 distraction thefts investigated by Ottawa Police,” noted Acting Staff Sergeant Jamie Aldrich,” East District Investigations. “These thefts usually involve unsuspecting victims whose jewelry, debit and credit cards are taken.”

The suspects, both men and women of different ages, use the following four tactics:

Street distraction is when the victim is approached by a suspect, usually in shopping areas often by a female who offers to give them gold jewelry in remembrance of a deceased family member, or as a gift. The suspect places a gold colored necklace over the victim’s neck and quickly removes the victim’s own gold necklace. In most cases, the victim does not realize the theft has occurred until later.

Family in need distraction is when suspect(s) will approach a victim and will give a sympathetic story about a family member being in need. The suspect then offers expensive looking jewelry in exchange for financial assistance which of course is worthless.

Follow the shopper distraction is when suspect(s) will position themselves behind a shopper at a cash checkout and memorize the victim’s PIN (Personal Identification Number). They then follow the victim outside who is deliberately distracted while a second suspect steals the victim’s wallet.

Store Distraction is when a store employee is distracted by a member of the group while a female suspect conceals retail goods under a long flowing skirt then leaves the store.

These distraction thefts have also been observed in other municipalities in Ontario.

To avoid becoming a victim of such thefts, be vigilant. Providing local police with a detailed description of the suspect(s) and relevant vehicle information when applicable (i.e. license plate number, make model & colour) is most helpful.

Anyone with any information regarding distraction thefts is asked to contact the Ottawa Police Service at 613-230-6211, or Crime Stoppers at 613-233-8477 (TIPS) or toll-free at 1-800-222-8477.

Reported on May 24, 2013

A break-in occurred yesterday at #1992 Alta Vista between one and four in the afternoon. The neighbours who called me about it do not know the occupants, but I do know that police were called. Apparently a door was forced and a lap-top and jewellery were stolen.

Please be vigilant. Know your neighbours. Keep an eye out on each other’s behalf. If you’re able to, check in on neighbours who are elderly or living alone.

When we communicate, we are a safer community.

Reported on May 16, 2013

My neighbour on Highland Terrace was at home in a locked house. The thief knocked, finding no one home he proceeded to break in. My neighbour interrupted his attempt and called the police. There was a witness to identify the car and the driver so he is now off the streets.

The white pick up truck that was used was stolen, but I had identified the truck to the police because it was not one of the construction vehicles and was here too often. It seemed out of place.

Reported on May 13, 2013

People in the Rodney and Billings area have seen attempts at car break-ins, especially on weekend nights.

Some report leaving their cars open so that would-be thieves won't break the windows.

This is problematic. Open cars signal a lack of care on the part of homeowners. Seeing unlocked cars, thieves may then target homes.

Meanwhile, they will rifle glove box, under car seats etc. and worst: steal your garage door opener to use while you are gone.

Thieves want easy targets. They will try another area of town if they find cars locked.

Lock all doors, cars and homes. Lock house doors front, back and side when in your yards and gardens and report all incidents to police.

Police funding is based on reported incidents, and full reporting helps police detect trends and solve crimes.

Do your part to protect yourself and keep the neighbourhood safe.

Reported on February 7, 2013

Update On the rash of break-ins that started in mid August
Detective D. McCluskey of the Ottawa Police provided the following:

In regards to our conversation pertaining to the last meeting I attended with the neighborhood watch in the South End 35 Zones; here is a bit of an update:

The amount occurring was unusually high as several different teams of thieves who were not related to one another just happened to start hitting this area at the same time.

A series of break and enters began in Mid August where a pattern developed that the suspect was prying rear windows or screen doors and not only stealing electronics and jewelry but ransacking the homes. He was hitting the same streets multiple times and multiple houses each day. Surveillance of the area began where we identified at least 4 Known break and enter thieves lurking the streets of these neighborhoods. Through line ups with some of the witnesses we were able to narrow down our resources to a lifelong thief. He was eventually identified several times via witnesses and DNA. He was arrested on October 5.

During this same time frame sheds, garages and trailers began to be targeted and an incredible amount of tools and snowblowers were stolen. We suspect a number of people were involved however once we identified, one member, and had enough evidence to charge, we conducted surveillance. As we were questioning many gold dealers and scrap yards/ recycling businesses during the investigation; word got back to the thieves so they stopped and moved on to other crimes in other areas of the city. They continue to be investigated for the shed break and enters and the new offences they have moved on to. A warrant was issued for one individual.

During this same time frame in October we had another male and female start targeting real high end homes where they would target homes with expensive vehicles in the laneways. Again they would use the rear basement windows, and then steal electronics and high end jewelry. They would spend time on the same streets and watch homeowner’s patterns. The female would then conduct a door knock to see if any one was home and if there was no answer they would go in. Once the suspects were identified surveillance warrants were acquired and the couple was followed until caught on camera.

They are no longer active in break and enters since November 26.

If there is any message I hoped to convey to the members of the Community watch teams and all members of the public is their information helps and no information provided to police is too small or minor in nature. There are so many thieves out there compared to the resources we have. The information helps create patterns and will pin point our offender.

To the person providing a time and description of a suspicious person or car on a street, it may appear inconsequential, however to us who filter through ALL the information it may be the piece of a larger puzzle which leads to surveillance then arrest.

Many of them asked me what they could do. They are already doing it by being a liaison between the community and the Police. The other issue (and this is my opinion based on 20 years in corrections and Policing)

- It is a small percentage of people who do a large percentage of the property crime.

Det D. McCluskey
East Break and Enters
Ottawa Police Service
613-236-1222 ext 3420


The following was reported by a resident on Billings Ave:

Someone came to my door the other day claiming to be here to do a house inspection, and claiming to be from the 'police'. He had a sort of ID card that was half hidden under his jacket. Of course I did not let him in as I had not booked any such inspection.
MS Windows Scam

A resident on Fairbanks Ave. reported the following:


Someone calls you on telephone, telling you that your computer is going through hacking (or problem related your computer "M.S. WINDOWS). The caller asks you to press certain keys on your keyboard. Now, your monitor screen goes blank. At this point, you are confused and the caller will give more instructions what to do in order to bring your computer back to normal:


One of my friend- elderly lady spent 2 hours on telephone with the caller. The caller offered instruction to remove hacking (ghost). My friend ended up giving her VISA numbers.

Later, she found to her surprise that $450 amount was withdrawn.(somehow the charges got reversed through her bank but imagine the run around, calling VISA office, visiting bank, getting nervous, becoming victim of a fraud etc..

The above incident happened in December 2012. Since then I also have received two similar calls.

Beware of people bearing gifts

The following Scam has been verified by Snopes.Com (http://www.snopes.com/fraud/sales/express.asp):
This scam is very clever. Be very careful out there! One could easily fall for this - beware of people bearing gifts.

There is a new and clever credit card scam. Please circulate this. Someone it happened to says it works like this:

"Wednesday a week ago, I had a phone call from someone who said that he was from some outfit called: "Express Couriers" asking if I was going to be home because there was a package for me, and the caller said that the delivery would arrive at my home in roughly an hour. And sure enough, about an hour later, a uniformed delivery man turned up with a beautiful basket of flowers and wine. I was very surprised since it did not involve any special occasion or holiday, and I certainly didn't expect anything like it. Intrigued about who would send me such a gift, I inquired as to who the sender is. The deliveryman's reply was, he was only delivering the gift package, but allegedly a card was being sent separately; (the card has never arrived!). There was also a consignment note with the gift.

He then went on to explain that because the gift contained alcohol, there was a $3.50 "delivery charge" as proof that he had actually delivered the package to an adult, and not just left it on the doorstep where it could be stolen or taken by anyone.

This sounded logical and I offered to pay him cash. He then said that the company required the payment to be by credit or debit card only so that everything is properly accounted for.

My husband, who by this time was standing beside me, pulled his wallet out of his pocket with the credit/debit card, and 'John', the "delivery man", asked my husband to swipe the card on the small mobile card machine which had a small screen and keypad where Frank was also asked to enter the card's PIN and security number. A receipt was printed out and given to us.

To our horrible surprise, between Thursday and the following Monday, $4,000 had been charged/withdrawn from our credit/debit account at various ATM machines. It appeared that somehow the "mobile credit card machine" which the deliveryman carried now had all the info necessary to create a "dummy" card with all our card details after my husband swiped our card and entered the requested PIN and security number.

Upon finding out about the illegal transactions on our card, we immediately notified the bank which issued us the card, and our credit/debit account was closed. We also personally went to the Police, where it was confirmed that it is definitely a scam because several households had been similarly hit."

WARNING: Be wary of accepting any "surprise gift or package", which you neither expected nor personally ordered, especially if it involves any kind of payment as a condition of receiving the gift or package. Also, never accept anything if you do not personally know or there is no proper identification of who the sender is. Above all, the only time you should give out any personal credit/debit card information is when you yourself initiated the purchase or transaction!

Pass this on, it may just prevent someone else from being swindled.


Beware of sales people from Ontario Consumers Home Services
I received the following email from Melissa Dyck, NW Block Captain on Crestview Road:
"Hi everyone,

Some of you may have had a visit from a door to door sales person this evening. One of our NW members notified me of this visit. He was from Ontario Consumers Home Services located on 3236 Hawthorne Road. He asked to go into their basement to check their hot water tank and furnace. They did not allow him access.

This topic has come up before in our email communications and several members have expressed concern at the approach used.

Reported on December 30, 2012

I received the following reports from two different Neighbourhood Watch Captains in reference to the same incident:

Nancy Bass reported:

My neighbour, Maureen, who lives on South Haven reported a break in at her neighbour's place across the street last night between 5-8 pm.

They found footprints in their own driveway but feel lights may have deterred the intruders from breaking into their home. They smashed a large back window, took small electrical items and a computer and left through the front door.

Joyce Wright reported:

Just heard from the McCrea's at 1900 South Haven Place.

They went out for dinner at 4 p.m. and returned at 9 p.m. They lost all the jewellery, silver - anything of value. Thieves broke in the back door.

Around 4 p.m. yesterday, I saw a black pick- up (with stuff under black covers in the back,)as it cruised down our street, turned around in a neighbours driveway then parked in front of our house facing Roger Road. The pick-up looked old, very black, no markings and the driver had black slicked back hair. Don't know how long he sat there as out trees block the view of the street. However, our son went out around 6:30 and said that a pick-up was in front of our house- but he only told me this after the phone call from the McCrea's today.

How did the thieves know that the house would be empty at that time!!!

The police were there by ten p.m. and told them , after checking, that it was a professional job.

Reported on November 27, 2012

There were a couple of incidents reported to me that Block Captains should pass on to their members:

1) A resident of Briar Ave. reported that he was suspicious of a woman who brought an ice scraper and snow shovel with her and asked if to clear the snow from his driveway. When he told her that he was interested, she told some story about her husband had died and the estate was being held up in the courts. She said that she needed $100 to buy diapers for her baby. After he told her that he couldn't help, she asked if she could use the bathroom. Again he said no because he suspect that she wanted to come in just to check out for items of value. He reported it to the police.


2)Susan Pitt, the Block Captain on Simpson Rd reported this:

I just had a conversation with Radke Lenz who lives on Camborne Crescent I think. She called to let me know of 4 robberies on her street and 2 on Thistle. The thieves are well-organized, park a car to watch the neighbourhood, break-in to cars and houses during the day whether alarms are on or not, taking jewellery, lap-tops, cash. Some of the people have been home at the time. They seem to be moving through the area so everyone should be extra vigilant and call the police if any unusual vehicles are parked.

Reported on November 23, 2012

There was an unsuccessful attempt on Nov 23, 2012 to break into the back door of the house at 448 Roger Rd. The door hinges were damaged. Please pass this on to your watch members. This type of crime should always be reported to police because in many instances they can ties in a series of crimes together.

Reported on November 19, 2012

The following was taken from the minutes of the recent Ward 10 and Ward 18 Neighbourhood Watch Coordinators held last Monday, Nov 12.

Sgt. K. Plomp and Det. D. McCluskey from the East End Break and Enter Unit to addressed the NW Coordinators about the recent rash of break-ins. The break-ins are occurring from Walkley up to the Smyth/Russell/St. Laurent area. Sheds are being targeted for snow blowers, lawn mowers, leaf blowers and even generators. Houses for sale are being broken into and the appliances stolen. These crimes are cyclical, as the rates go down with the arrest and jailing of these thieves, only to go up again upon their release. It appears that several are back on the streets at this time. Det. McCluskey said that the community has been fantastic, calling in to report occurrences, and that Cst. McCoy keeps him informed. Once the crime analysts establish a pattern, resources are then assigned to deal with it. However, once the media becomes involved, more break-ins occur as the thieves think that the police will blame the person of interest; some people take this opportunity also to perpetrate insurance frauds for the same reason. At this time, police are unable to identify or find the buyers of the stolen items.

Also of concern are the thieves using “scripts”: offering to do odd jobs, checking the hot water tank, knocking on doors looking for a friend, etc… Females are being used more and more to allay suspicions. NW members are urged to call in to report anything suspicious, descriptions of suspects, vehicles and licence plate numbers, etc…


Reported on October 25, 2012

The property on Fairbanks/Faircrest was torched completely last night

Reported on October 16, 2012

FYI from Ottawa Police:

We have been noticing an increase in thefts from garages, sheds and trailers in the ward. The incidents appear to be occurring mainly during the overnight hours.

So far here is a partial list of streets that have been hit:

* Fairbanks
* Raglan
* Smyth
* Botsford
* Browning
* Digby
* Russell
* Bathurst

It looks like tools and bicycles are being targeted.

Someone is clearly targeting sheds and garages, primarily overnight. We believe suspects may be casing the places during the day and definitely are using a large vehicle of some sort (van or u-haul, etc). They're loading up large items like snowblowers, quick cut saws, snow tires. A number of the residences have been homes under renovation and the suspects are targeting the contractors equipment left on site.

We're looking for residents to keep their eye out re: suspicious vans or trucks roaming the streets during the day.

Please pass this info along through your watched and ask you members to keep an eye out and report suspicious people in the area and to secure their property.

If anyone has any info please let me know ASAP.

I will update you when I get more information.



Cst. Gary McCoy (Ottawa Police)
South Ottawa Police Centre
T: (613) 236-1222 ext 5842

Reported on October 4, 2012

From Anne Fleming, Neighbourhood Watch Captain, Faircrest Road:
Hi Tom - as you are aware, there's a lot of construction happening on Faircrest Road - this past week, a locked construction trailer at one of the sites was broken into twice and cleaned out of all the tools inside! The thief knew what he was going after, obviously - but its a little unsettling to know there are people like that on our street in the middle of the night ...
Hi Neighbourhood Watch Coordinators,

In the last two weeks there has been a significant increase in break and enters to houses and sheds in the area:

The following is a partial list of streets that have been hit:
* Chalmers
* 1500 block of Riverside Dr
* Chapman
* Pleasant Park Rd X3
* 2100 block of St. Laurent
* Smyth
* Magnus
* Haig
* Olympia
* Vincent

The following is a description of a suspect:
* W/M, 16-22 yrs, 5'7"-5'10", med build, ear length blond hair, gaunt face may sometime wear a hooded sweatshirt / bb cap

With end of summer weather many people are leaving their windows open which makes it easy for criminals to gain entry.

In some cases break and enters happen through open windows while people are home.

Please visit our web site at www.ottawapolice.ca to access our on-line crime mapping for more information.


Cst. Gary McCoy (Ottawa Police)
South Ottawa Police Centre
T: (613) 236-1222 ext 5842


Executive Services
Services de direction
474, rue Elgin Street
Ottawa, Ontario
Tel./tél. 613-236-1222
Fax: 613-760-8064


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, October 4, 2012 6:14pm

Ottawa Police seeking public assistance to locate suspect of residential Break and Enters

(Ottawa)— The Ottawa Police Service Break and Enter Unit has been investigating a number of recent daytime residential break and enters in the Elmvale area of the city. The break-ins occurred over the last three weeks.

Small electronics, money and jewelry were targeted. As a result of the follow-up investigation, a warrant of arrest has been issued for seven counts of Break/Enter and Theft and 14 counts of Breach of Probation for Charlie Joseph LOUGH, 28 years old, of Ottawa.

Anyone with information about the whereabouts of Charlie Joseph Lough or this investigation is asked to contact the Ottawa Police Service East Division Break and Enter Section at 613-236-1222, ext. 3420 or Crime Stoppers at 613-233-8477 (TIPS) or toll free at 1-800-222-8477.

- 30 -


Detective Derek McCluskey

Break and Enter Unit

Tel. 613-236-1222, ext. 3420

Phone Crime Stoppers at 613-233-8477 (TIPS) or toll free at 1-800-222-8477.

Reported on August 31, 2012

The old Assaly house at 1880 Fairbanks (corner of Faircrest) was broken into last night ( plate glass window broken in back) and a 'molotov cocktail' thrown in to start a fire - some damage - police arson squad are investigating. A neighbour walking the dog noticed a a 'fire' in the fireplace (on a hot evening!) and reported the incident.

Reported on April 27, 2012

This is an urgent message on behalf of Neighbourhood Watch: please circulate it to all Watch members and advise other neighbours.

Two sexual assaults took place this morning in the Riverview Park area.

Both assaults took place in the area of Riverview Public School and the Montessori School.

For further information see the Ottawa Sun report:


Anyone with information that may assist with the police investigation, or with particular concerns, please call Const. Gary McCoy. Cell (613) 816-0631.


Reported on December 10, 2011

Beware of any phone calls offering a device that plugs into an electrical outlet that gives a savings of 30% on monthly electrical bill. This is a scam and according to Hydro One, such a device does not exist.

Reported on November 17, 2011

The passenger window of a truck parked in the driveway on Crestview Rd was smashed and assorted tools as well as a GPS device were stolen. Police were contacted.

Reported on October 14, 2011

An unlocked vehicle was broken into on Billings Ave. between Lynda Lane and Ronald Ave. Police were called.

Reported on August 25, 2011

A Message from the Community Police

I would like to make you all aware of a rash of break and enters that have occurred over the past few months. If you can all please pass on the following information to your watches and encourage them to please phone police if they see anything or anybody suspicious!

The Break-ins have occurred in the following Neighbourhoods: South Keys West and East, Guildwood Estates( this is where the majority have occurred), Greenboro, Playfair Park, Hawthorne Meadows, Urbandale and Haig.

The suspects appear to be using recycle bins, chairs or anything they can use to access windows. The windows are either unlocked or the suspects are forcing them open. Items being targeted are TV's, jewelry and alcohol.

So please if you see anything, anybody or any suspicious vehicles please call police and mark down the particulars.

Thank you again and if there are any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact myself or Cst. McCoy.

Cst. Heather Cooper
Community Police Officer/Cedarwood CPC
(613)236-1222 ext 5843
cell (613)816-0629

Reported on June 25, 2011

A resident at the corner of Highridge Ave. and Billings Ave. reported that on Saturday, June 25th, 2011, sometime before 12-noon, the words "Cosmo" and "Crack" were spray painted in large lettering on two panels of the fence on their property. Shortly after the graffiti was removed, and before 4PM that same afternoon, the word "Cosmo" was then spray painted on the garage door. The incident was reported to police

Reported on June 15, 2011

A resident at 304 Smyth Rd. reported that her car had been entered this morning - she had left it unlocked with her computer inside it ... - by a male apparently 'high' on something. Her dog alerted her to the concern and when she looked outside and saw the guy - she yelled at him from the front door to get out of the car and called the police - who speedily apprehended the man as he walked slowly along Smyth carrying a President's Choice bag over his shoulder.


According to the police, when witnessing a crime in progress, even though they seem minor in nature, an emergency call to 911 should be made.

If you are new to the area and wish to become active in Neighbourhood Watch, please refer to the table below as whom to conatct.

If you don't remember who your Block Captain is please call your area coordinator to find out. The three Neighbourhood Watch areas in Faircrest Heights are all bounded on the north by Smyth Road and on the south by Billings Ave.

Balmoral: Between the railway tracks & Alta Vista Drive
Fran Doy 613-730-4804
Faircrest 1: Between Alta Vista Drive & Fairbanks Avenue
Currently inactive. Contact Tom Saikaly 613-521-8028 if you're interested in volunteering to reactivate this watch.
Faircrest 2: Between Fairbanks Avenue & Lynda Lane
Tom Saikaly 613-521-8028

The Faircrest 2 area requires two Block Captains to act as liaison between the Watch Members and the Watch Coordinator and to maintain an up-to-date list of their Members. Volunteers are urgently required for the following areas in order for our Neighbourhood Watch program to remain successful. Those interested should contact Tom Saikaly at TomSaikaly@sympatico.ca or phone at 613-521-8028.

Roger Road

11 homes

299-356 Roger Road and one home on 1919 Fairbanks Ave.


Watch members in many instances, debate as to whether an incident warrants reporting or not. The following is a reminder as to what Ottawa Police say should be done.

When to call Police?

One of the hardest things for Watch members is to learn to trust their instincts. If it looks suspicious ... don't hesitate ... call the police. Some people fear that raising a false alarm will reflect poorly on them. Not so. It's okay to inform the police about something that "looks a bit fishy," and let them take it from there.

Look at the other side of the coin ... how would you feel if you didn't call to report your suspicions, and, as a result, failed to prevent a criminal act in your neighbourhood? How would you feel if a neighbour failed tp prevent a criminal act on your property?

Even if you're reluctant to report a crime whether it's in progress or already has been committed, at least inform your Block Captain or Coordinator.

How to Report a Crime or

Suspicious Activity


  • Identify yourself as a Watch member;
  • be prepared to describe the person(s), vehicle(s) or circumstances as fully as possible;
  • ask for an "incident" number to facilitate a follow-up inquiry as a later date;
  • record the date and time of your call;
  • keep the suspect(s) and incident under surveillance from a safe distance until police arrive;
  • make a second call if the activity gets worse; and
  • inform your Block Captain or designate when time permits.


DON'T ATTEMPT TO CONFIRM YOUR SUSPICIONS by approaching a home or vehicle where a crime may have take place, or may still be in progress. Go immediately to a safe distance, call 9-1-1 and wait for police.

MAKE THE RIGHT CALL! Every call is important, but not all calls are life threatening, and not all calls are police emergencies.





Life-threatening or
Crime in Progress


Other Emergencies


Community Police
Centres and all
other enquiries


Contact Us

President - Judy Korecky
Webmaster - Tom Saikaly