18:59:52 From Linda Mathies to Everyone : Hello everyone. Beedells from Billings avenue checking in 19:03:21 From David Kidd to John Langstone(Direct Message) : Can the host set everyone to mute by default? 19:03:35 From Ben Thomas to Everyone : The host can mute all 19:06:59 From John Langstone to David Kidd(Direct Message) : Hi David. I think I can, but I'm afraid to. Seems to be under control. Hey, I'm just floating around and muting at random now. 19:08:51 From JTANGUAY to Everyone : it grieves me to see we are working on community feedback at the last minute hat we need to provide feedback by March 12th 19:10:28 From JTANGUAY to Everyone : How does the Tewes approval impact this 5 BIG Moves project 19:11:25 From JTANGUAY to Everyone : Tewin 19:12:12 From Maureen Irvine to Everyone : are we transforming or evolving? 19:12:29 From David Kidd to Everyone : The overlays are more guidance - ultimately a developer can build whatever is allowed by zoning for the property he is building on 19:13:40 From iPad to Everyone : For density context, Google states density in Tokyo is 110 dwellings per hectare of residential land while London was 60 per hectare in 2005 (when these statistics were last collected there). 19:14:53 From Garry Lindberg to Everyone : evoving 19:19:15 From JTANGUAY to Everyone : the appearance is more like the rules do not apply with this city 19:22:30 From JTANGUAY to Everyone : What will be the maximum/minimum lot size if we sever? 19:22:49 From David Kidd to Everyone : Large in massing probably means less setback from the street, going deeper into back yards 19:24:56 From JTANGUAY to Everyone : the average snowfall in Ottawa is 88 inches not 70 19:27:25 From majid abaeian to Everyone : I do not argue with changes in zoning, however, the city should not over-ride our property rights. If a single home is demolished by the owner, he should be able to build another single unit in its place. Otherwise his property rights would be violated. 19:27:34 From David Kidd to Everyone : A key distinction would be all of your non-job needs in the neighborhood, or ALL of your needs. Of course work from home may change things 19:28:05 From Sarah to Everyone : I agree with majid abaeian 19:28:24 From JTANGUAY to Everyone : I agree with majid abaeian 19:28:47 From Ben Thomas to Everyone : I agree with majid abaeian. 19:28:51 From David Kidd to Everyone : Note that when you have a duplex, you can really get 4 units by having a "granny suite" in each 19:29:01 From MAREK to Everyone : Ditto 19:31:13 From David Kidd to Everyone : To me the more important thing is that "inside the box" - do we really care if (say) a 2-storey is 1 family on 2 floors, or 2 families one above the other? 19:31:58 From iPad to Everyone : From https://ottawacitizen.com/opinion/denley-when-planners-run-amok-even-the-leafy-bungalowed-streets-of-alta-vista-arent-safe 19:32:17 From iPad to Everyone : « If you really must replace an old bungalow with a better one, it has to have exactly the same size and footprint as the old one. » 19:32:18 From JTANGUAY to Everyone : does your additional 126,000 include the 45K units on Tewin lands 19:33:28 From David Kidd to Everyone : I think her figures are just for inside the city - the city says 60% MUST be accommodated inside the urban bounday 19:33:33 From Paul to Everyone : I have been to Tokyo - this is a disaster 19:35:58 From JTANGUAY to Everyone : How does the report which shows with more work from home positions people are moving outside the city 19:36:39 From David Kidd to Everyone : What would you walk 15 minutes for, when you can order online & have it delivered. The actual nature of what is in local retail may change. Would you open a "radio shack"? Or only a cannabis shop :) 19:37:25 From claude2 to Everyone : I think that more emphasis needs to be put on the changes in our world due to COVID which has made people more likely to want more space rather than less. Also, promote the need for more bungalows rather than two storey houses due to aging population. The older homes in existing lots in FH are outdated in what a modern family and aging couple needs today and into the future. 19:38:10 From JTANGUAY to Everyone : I agree with Claude 19:38:43 From rlmaranger to Everyone : I totally agree with all of what has just been said! 19:38:44 From Adrienne Stevenson to Everyone : at yesterday's City environmental meeting, they seem only concerned about "city trees" and accepting of tree loss in the remainder of the lot. The planner representing the OP seemed wedded to the plan as is and entirely inflexible to any modifications through resident consultation. I got the sense that city staff responsible for the environment/green-space were not too happy about the attitude of planning managers 19:38:47 From claude2 to Everyone : I just want to add that I agree with this whole presentation. 19:39:37 From David Kidd to Everyone : 6 rooms, 1 bath, 3 bed. My wife says she wouldn't choose a space that had her & I in the same bathroom! :) 19:40:31 From Maureen Irvine to Everyone : A city is a collection of its neighbourhoods, but they should be diverse and forcing them all to be the same seems to diminish from the city 19:41:36 From Ken to Everyone : We have tried to find an example anywhere in the City of where a 4-storey multi is next to a bungalow, and we cannot find one - that tells us that it is a bad idea and a major imposition on our neighbourhood. 19:41:38 From David Kidd to Everyone : A crucial driver of all of this is "non car" transportation. But what is OCtranspo going to be able to afford? They are going to have ridership problems for a couple of years at least. 19:42:00 From Adrienne Stevenson to Everyone : The right-sizing slide looks very good to me. We need to move more slowly and see what actually happens with respect to growth and post-pandemic realities. But first we need to do something about this nonsensical "inner urban" designation. 19:42:14 From iPad to Everyone : What baffles me is the lack of distinction between our targeted density and that of the downtown core. 19:42:30 From rlmaranger to Everyone : slow it down great idea! 19:43:10 From Adrienne Stevenson to Everyone : How is local retail going to compete with the big box and delivery options? 19:43:57 From Maureen Irvine to Everyone : if the government is pushing electric cars, they will need access to the power grid to recharge affecting parking design 19:44:23 From David Kidd to Everyone : The suggestion is they will disallow onstreet parking too - so that WON'T be an option, even if your new structure has no parking. Same for parking in the front or back yard. 19:44:56 From Nina to Everyone : Is there any mention of increased community centres and more park space. I do not have a 15 minutes walkable neighbourhood in my end of FC heights. 19:45:01 From Ken to Everyone : Please don't limit your comments to this chat - send them to the Councillor and the Planning Dept. 19:45:04 From David Kidd to Everyone : And even if you sever your lot into one or two, you DON'T get more laneways. Still just one! 19:45:07 From JTANGUAY to Everyone : Look to the issue Glebe has with parking 19:46:26 From claude2 to Everyone : Not all people have doctors in our FH neighbourhood. If the Ontario government could ensure that all people have a doctor (plus specialist) and dentist within a 15 minute distance, that would be wonderful. However, that is not realistic. 19:48:29 From Nina to Everyone : How does the Transit Station proximity affect the Pleasant Park station area? 19:48:31 From David Kidd to Everyone : Go to Eventbrite.ca and search "Ward 18 meeting" to register for Cloutier's meeting 19:49:03 From josiemousseau to Everyone : A MAJOR thank you to Judy for creating this fabulous presentation and providing such clarity to the proposed Official Plan and helping residents of Faircrest Heights understand the impact this blurred City vision will have on our community and our lives. Thank you Judy. 19:49:16 From David Kidd to Everyone : It is March 2 at either 6 or 630, both times have been posted. But only one meeting! 19:49:25 From macbookair to Everyone : where does Cloutier stand on this 19:49:39 From claude2 to Everyone : I feel that height should be 2-2.5 storeys. I think it should be only single family homes in FH but agree that some larger lots can be split but only into two lots, not any more. This may be wishful thinking. 19:49:44 From rlmaranger to Everyone : Great Job excellent presentation. 19:49:46 From iPad to Everyone : Yes. Bravo Judy. Very thorough!! 19:50:04 From rlmaranger to Everyone : Thank you very much 19:50:21 From Mariola’s iPhone to Everyone : thank you for the great overview 19:50:38 From JTANGUAY to Everyone : Thank you Judy for this presentation 19:50:47 From Marina Doran to Everyone : very valuable information, thank you, Judy 19:50:47 From josiemousseau to Everyone : Would an online petition voicing our concerns and views be an option? 19:50:59 From Nina to Everyone : Great job presenting Judy. 19:51:11 From Adrienne Stevenson to Everyone : Excellent presentation! 19:51:25 From Paula Moloney to Everyone : Well done Judy! 19:51:27 From Leslie Beedell to Everyone : Great presentation! 19:51:31 From David Kidd to Everyone : Nothing from me needs to be raised as a question 19:51:42 From Ken to Everyone : We really appreciate your work and leadership on this, Judy! 19:52:09 From claude2 to Everyone : Great job! 19:53:55 From Adrienne Stevenson to Everyone : If you haven't already, read Randall Denley's opinion piece in yesterday's Citizen. "Intensification isn't inherently bad. The scope, scale and command-and-control approach the city wants to mandate is." 19:54:10 From Garry Lindberg to Everyone : The plan has no targets per se….. they want to intensify everywhere… if that results in 500 new units in Alta Vista the city will take that ..they will not stop at 80 units per year… 19:54:36 From David Kidd to Everyone : Note that changing from Inner to Outer changes the density TARGET, but except for allowing a single storey structure in outer, and requiring 2 in inner, you are still allowed the same MAXIMUM size - which will be determined more by how a developer sees he can make the most money 19:56:42 From David Kidd to Everyone : Schadenfreud 19:57:41 From David Kidd to Everyone : "Draconian" 19:59:46 From Paula Moloney to Everyone : He has only received 129 letters 20:00:09 From Garry Lindberg to Everyone : Jack Waghorn….we must make certain that the politicians believe that this will be an election issue if they do not listen to us.. 20:00:30 From Ray to Everyone : Great job Judy. Excellent comments Jack. The plan is destructive to our community. 20:01:07 From claude2 to Everyone : I got the same sort of response back from Jean Cloutier’s office. 20:01:11 From David Kidd to Everyone : Yes to Garry's point. They are hoping we'll forget by election time. They need to believe it'll cost them their job! 20:01:26 From josiemousseau to Everyone : Is there any advantage to starting an online petition against this Official Plan? 20:01:38 From anne to Everyone : The biggest employer in AV is the hospital complex - not enough parking to handle employees from all over the region to work there - and use the facilities and visit patients ( once Covid is under control) - all streets in FH have occasional parkers waiting for patients to finish appointments and therapies - many of these patients come from out of the region - and they are NOT able t use public transit. That is NOT going to change! 20:01:40 From Paul to Everyone : where can you buy a pitchfrok? 20:02:46 From Garry Lindberg to Everyone : So far, the City has concentrated on the LRT stations and has not talked about the pleasant park station 20:03:58 From claude2 to Everyone : We also need street lights!! 20:05:13 From Garry Lindberg to Everyone : The plan talks about greenspace, community centres, etc. but as Judy’s slide said… the city has no money to fund anything but to pay off the three phases of LRT 20:05:14 From Adrienne Stevenson to Everyone : Not only do we need to get the OP pushed into election year, we need a citizen-centric slate of people running to depose the current mayor & his cronies. 20:06:06 From Adrienne Stevenson to Everyone : Street lights? Yes, but how about storm sewers. Some of us "country in the city" dwellers (note, not inner urban) still have ditches! 20:06:08 From Orest to Everyone : Judy - Please share any city plans re: Nina's request (400 metres within transit station - walking distance or radius) with everyone. 20:08:26 From Garry Lindberg to Everyone : Judy we just finished paying a tax surcharge for renovations to Cantabury and are still paying a surcharge for the outdoor rink 20:09:19 From Leslie Beedell to Everyone : Thanks for your comment Nina, I agree we should have more smaller community centers. Higher density will add to the tax base to support these initiatives and other small businesses in our neighborhood. For this reason I strongly support the density targets but it should be in conjunction with more amenities and transit options. 20:09:38 From David Kidd to Everyone : Orest: look at the draft official plan for "hubs", see p136 for specific notes, plus the definitions of hubs p163 20:10:13 From lisa to Everyone : Schools go along with the discussion about the need for community centres. This area would have trouble supporting more students already. My kids go to Pleasant Park PS. It’s oversubscribed by about 200 kids with 8 portables. 20:11:44 From macbookair to Everyone : The DND hospital lands would be perfect for a community centre 20:12:01 From Adrienne Stevenson to Everyone : I've already written but will be writing again. Must leave for another meeting but thanks for this. 20:12:59 From Heather Mallett to Everyone : Thank you, Judy, for all the work you have done. And thanks for your amazing presentation tonight. 20:13:25 From anne to Everyone : Thank you Judy - Have to go :-) 20:13:41 From Garry Lindberg to Everyone : Not clear if the suburban councillors care at all about any community located in Inner urban…..Alta Vista included…and they are nearly the majority need to find a way to “get” to them 20:15:11 From Paul to Everyone : Thanks Judy. 20:16:20 From bethr to Everyone : We support a meeting with the planning department so we can fully understand the details and potential for flexibility. Ross and Beth MacLeod 20:16:41 From Britt Bengtsson, Ottawa-Toronto to Everyone : Thank you Judy. Great presentation. 20:16:53 From Orest to Everyone : David Kidd - Where can I find the draft official plan for "hubs" ? 20:18:04 From David Kidd to Everyone : All the draft official plan is (mostly) in a single pdf file on the city site - try google "Ottawa new draft city plan" should get you there 20:19:57 From David Kidd to Everyone : Jack: the inner urban spec @ 5.2.1 p134 says city will specifically encourage creation of large blocks from smaller lots 20:20:31 From Susan Pitt to Everyone : Thank you Judy for this presentation and discussion. Simpson Road 20:22:35 From David Kidd to Everyone : p135 parking must be within the building or underground. 20:23:45 From David Kidd to Everyone : Planning has said they do not plan to allow front-yard or back-yard parkin (nor on street parking) 20:24:25 From Leslie Beedell to Everyone : Am I the only one in this group that supports the plan? I personally would love to have more corner stores, businesses, and housing options to support a more diverse community in Alta Vista. 20:24:40 From Jack Waghorn to Everyone : Thank you Judy 20:24:52 From claude2 to Everyone : 2 storey 613 flats are OK but I prefer much less intensification. Set backs need to respect the neighbourhood look. 20:24:59 From Garry Lindberg to Everyone : Supposedly planning will be making a big presentation at the March 2nd meeting…… planning know that many of the people who have sent comments will be attending and they might try to answer some of the concerns expressed to date…maybe 20:25:43 From Sarah to Everyone : It seems oneday, the city will ask me to live in a closet where they can max the density, like Tokyo. 20:26:06 From Ray to Everyone : Intensification is only all about money. I am disappointed with this plan. thank you Judy for your dedicated work. 20:26:23 From David Kidd to Everyone : Sarah: but your taxes will remain the same :) 20:26:41 From Ray to Everyone : taxes will go up. no doubt 20:26:51 From Sarah to Everyone : David - Lol you got the point 20:26:56 From David Kidd to Everyone : Great job Judy! Thank you SO much!!!! 20:27:03 From bethr to Everyone : Thank you! 20:27:13 From Sarah to Everyone : Thank you Judy! 20:27:16 From CANADA - Peter Murphy to Everyone : Thank you for the excellent presentation and meeting. 20:27:26 From Jo-Anne to Everyone : Thanks for the great presentation and all the work you've put into this. 20:27:44 From Maureen Irvine to Everyone : I saved it 20:28:12 From Tenace to Everyone : This was excellent - Thank you Judy 20:28:48 From macbookair to Everyone : Thank you Judy ,much appreciate your work on this 20:28:50 From bethr to Everyone : To follow up on my comments. Need to encourage some flexibility on how density is to be increased and how to synch with the transportation plan. 20:28:51 From Cara Oakes to Everyone : Thx Judy! 20:28:52 From Garry Lindberg to Everyone : Urge youtoattend Cloutier’s meeting next week..would be great to have 500 people in attendance 20:28:57 From Olivia Meier to Everyone : we need to recognize that for environmental reasons, increased densification is required. 20:28:57 From Linda Mathies to Everyone : Thank you for all your hard work! 20:29:10 From Maureen Irvine to Everyone : thank yo for a great job 20:30:09 From Maureen Irvine to Everyone : click on 3 dots and an option is save chat 20:30:23 From Orest to Everyone : to the riht of chat are 3 dots.click and save 20:31:12 From Orest to Everyone : click on the 3 dots and then save